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Meet on Main

Meet on Main

There are a lot of really awesome restaurants on Main Street but my favourite is Meet on Main! I love the chilled out atmosphere, the menu is full of veggie comfort food, and the staff is super friendly… what more could you want?

Irek and I spent a few hours there yesterday – he worked on his watch list for the Live Trader session, and I had a business meeting with an awesome company based in the Vancouver area. After we finished our work we stayed another hour to grab a bite to eat!

My dish was super yummy! Usually when we go to Meet on Main we both gravitate towards the vegan burgers because they’re sooo good! But I thought I better switch it up last night and instead had a really delicious bowl filled with rice, kale, mushrooms, mung beans, tofu and the best cashew gravy ever! It hit the spot. 🙂 Irek had his usual burger, obviously.

Meet on Main

If you’re in Vancouver, definitely check out Meet on Main! Especially if you’re leaning towards going more plant-based – this place will show you that anything truly can be converted to vegan! Absolutely nothing requires animal products, there is always a substitute.

Have a lovely Thursday everyone! All the best.

Molly xx


“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”

– Albert Einstein

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