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Cannes, France

Irek and I were in Cannes last week for four days. Unfortunately two of the four days the weather did not cooperate! The first day it was cloudy and rainy, and the second day it was so windy that we couldn’t even hang at the beach! So suffice to say, we didn’t get to explore as much as we would have liked…

However, once the sun came out on the third day and the weather calmed, we took advantage and headed straight for the beach! The view from the beach is incredible too with beautiful mountains in the background and gorgeous yachts all around! It was very inspiring!

Cannes France

Cannes is beautiful, but it definitely had a more westernized feel than Nice. There were high-end shops everywhere you look; Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci etc. It wasn’t exactly my style, as I’m not one for shopping really. Irek and I both prefer to be outdoors and exploring nature, than inside shopping for handbags and watches! But, if that is your style, then Cannes is most definitely the place to be.

Cannes France

All in all, we both preferred the vibe in Nice much more than Cannes – but they are both beautiful in their own ways and I would visit both cities again in a heartbeat…

Have a beautiful day and keep smiling!


Molly xx


“There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be…”

– John Lennon

Le Speakeasy Restaurant

There are only a handful of vegan restaurants in all of Nice, and one that you MUST visit is Le Speakeasy. This little restaurant was opened by a California native 18 years ago, and became the first vegan restaurant in existence in Nice.

The owner is also the server AND the chef – and she is mega talented. The flavours of her cooking reminded me of Thanksgiving dinner – less the animal cruelty! This amazing woman dedicated her life to spreading the vegan message and offering plant-based alternatives to the people of Nice and the tourists who visit each year. It has not been an easy road for her… Owning a small business in France (never mind a vegan restaurant!) is riddled with challenges, harassment, and corruption. If you do not conform – it will not be easy for you. Period.

I was truly inspired by her story and she actually mentioned that she’s considering writing a book in the future to create awareness and educate people regarding the challenges she has faced in France, and continues to face today.

Le Speakeasy Restaurant Nice

I wish her only the best and am so grateful that people like her exist – to fight for the animals, for justice, and for peace. She said to me that it’s a vicious world out there – and I agree – but we must continue to fight for the animals and have faith that one day things will change, and that there will be peace and justice for all.

If you plan on visiting Nice you must pay her restaurant a visit. The food is incredible and she proves that eating animal products is completely unnecessary; you can get all the flavours and nutrients your body desires and needs through a vegan lifestyle.

Le Speakeasy Restaurant Nice


Molly xx

Ps. Within the next couple of weeks I’ll be writing a post regarding my views on veganism in France… so stay tuned!


“In fact, if one person is unkind to an animal it is considered to be cruelty, but where a lot of people are unkind to animals, especially in the nature of commerce, the cruelty is condoned and, once large sums of money are at stake, will be defended to the last by otherwise intelligent people.”

– Ruth Harrison (1920 – 2000)

Sunshine and Cocktails in Nice

A few days ago we did some exploring in Nice and ended up climbing to the top of this hill that overlooks the city and has incredible views of the Mediterranean Sea. It’s so important when traveling to find areas where you can get different perspectives to really appreciate your surroundings. Looking down on Nice from above made me feel entirely grateful for this life, for the people I travel with, and for the ability to experience different places and cultures.

Nice France

After we walked around for a while just soaking in the beauty, we had a few cocktails and some snacks at a little bar by the water… then we proceeded to the beach! This was the first time during the entire trip that we really took some time to just relax and take it easy! It was much needed and we all felt very rejuvenated after. 🙂

Nice France

Have a beautiful day and keep smiling!


Molly xx

Ps. Happy Father’s Day to my wonderful Dad; I love you so very much.


“Life is a blank canvas, and you need to throw all the paint on it you can.”

– Danny Kaye

Èze Village, France

The other day we went to the most beautiful little town called Èze Village. It’s actually the highest point in all of Côte D’Azur so the view of the Mediterranean Sea was breathtaking. It was first populated around 2000 BC, so you can imagine all the history that lives there. Walt Disney actually spent a significant amount of time in this medieval village over the years.

Eze Village France

Eze Village France

I have never fallen in love with a place so fast like I did with Èze; the cobblestone pathways, the stone buildings, the colourful flowers, the cute little shops… It was something out of a story book; so charming and romantic. I can only imagine all the inspiration Walt Disney must have cultivated in this beautiful place.

We explored the exotic gardens at the very top of the village and I was in absolute awe of the beautiful succulents and cacti from all around the world. Irek and I also shared a bottle of rose at this amazing bar overlooking the sea. We both agreed that it was the most beautiful bar we’ve ever visited in the world… It even topped Rock Bar Bali for us!

Eze Village France

After we spent a few hours exploring the village, Irek and I joined my sister and her husband for a short hike down the mountain to the beach. It took about an hour and we were able to see the amazing rock cliffs jutting out and again it had unbelievable views of the Mediterranean Sea. I’m so grateful we were able to do that together- another experience we’ll never forget.

Eze Village France

If you visit Nice, Èze is a 100% must. It’s only about a 30 minute drive up to the hilltop and completely worth it.

Have a lovely day! 🙂

Molly xx


“Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever.”

– Walt Disney

Caju Vegan Restaurant

If you’re looking for healthy, raw, plant-based options in Nice I have the perfect solution for you! There is this incredible little restaurant in Old Town called Caju Vegan. They are not fully raw but have tons of raw options, cold-pressed juices, amazing smoothies, and so much more. It was exactly what Irek and I needed to refuel our bodies after too much wine in Paris!

Not only was the food amazing, but the two owners were the loveliest people we’ve come across during our travels in France. They gave us suggestions of where to travel, and just had such beautiful energy. It was so refreshing visiting this restaurant- it had a very similar feel to many of the vegan restaurants we go to in Vancouver- so if you’re in Nice and dying for some high quality plant-based food, you MUST go to Caju Vegan.

Caju Vegan Restaurant

We are heading back to Nice for a couple of days on the weekend and will most definitely be going back. 🙂


Molly xx


“Ethical veganism results in a profound revolution within the individual; a complete rejection of the paradigm of oppression and violence that she has been taught from childhood to accept as the natural order. It changes her life and the lives of those with whom she shares this vision of nonviolence. Ethical veganism is anything but passive; on the contrary, it is the active refusal to cooperate with injustice.”

– Gary L. Francione

Nice, France

Since I’m not one for major touristy things, Paris was a bit overwhelming for me! The crowds were extra crazy due to the Euro Cup and so it wasn’t relaxing by any means… That being said, it was still an amazing experience and I’m super grateful to have been able to see all the amazing buildings, structures, and famous landmarks Paris has to offer. Also, we had wonderful company, which makes any city you travel to that much more enjoyable and memorable.

All that being said, when Irek and I arrived in Nice a few days ago, it was like a breath of fresh air! We definitely prefer to be close to the sea or ocean as much as possible, and also enjoy warmer climates… So we really have come to love Nice!

Nice France

We found a beautiful Airbnb about a 20 minute walk down to the beach, so the location was super convenient. It was also very nice to start the day with a bit of a walk… Although we’ve been walking 15-20 km everyday!

My favourite part of Nice so far though, is Old Town. The streets are small, quaint, colourful, and welcoming. There are restaurants and bars everywhere you look, and so much going on, but yet it has such a different feel than Paris. It’s not as fast-paced, and the vibe is much more relaxed.

Nice France

It is still quite difficult to find vegan food in Nice, similar to Paris, but we have had some success which I’ll post about shortly. All in all, we love Nice and have been blown away by the beauty of The French Riviera. We’re already hoping to come back next year!

We actually just left Nice a few hours ago and arrived in Cannes. It’s a bit rainy here but I’m confident the sun will peak out soon enough!

Hope everyone is having a beautiful day. Sending lots of love to you.


Molly xx


“The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Gentle Gourmet Cafe

As I mentioned in my last blog post, vegan places have been somewhat difficult to find in France. That being said, they are around you just have to make a point to find them!

On our second day in Paris, we went to a beautiful little restaurant called Gentle Gourmet Cafe. I can honestly say, it was one of the best vegan lunches I’ve ever had… I feel like I say that a lot, but it’s the truth!

My sister and I both ordered the risotto which was so unexpectedly flavourful we couldn’t believe it! Irek and my brother-in-law, Shane, had the portobello burgers, which were also delicious and the presentation was just incredible. We also tried the vegan fois grois… I was a bit hesitant seeing as fois grois is duck pate. But it was actually very enjoyable as well, and again such strong and intricate flavours!

If you’re in Paris and looking for plant-based options, in my opinion, this restaurant receives a 5 star rating.

Gentle Gourmet Cafe Paris

Have a beautiful day!

Molly xx


“Vegan food is soul food in its truest form. Soul food means to feed the soul. And to me, your soul is your intent. If you’re intent is pure, you are pure.”

– Erykah Badu

Exploring Paris

I’ve been in France now for 5 days and it has been an absolute whirlwind. We spent the first couple of days exploring the city and seeing the sights, and on the third day my sister got married to her wonderful husband beside the Seine River. It was an honour for Irek and I to serve as their witnesses and to experience such a beautiful ceremony.

Paris is definitely a busy, happening place. It’s even busier right now with tourists than usual as France is hosting the Euro Cup. I am not one for crowds really and so 3 days in Paris was enough for me. But definitely glad we were able to explore a bit, see the amazing architecture, and spend quality time with my sister and now brother-in-law. I also got to see my beautiful adoptive Godmother after 12 years, so that really made my trip thus far.

Paris France

Irek and I arrived in Nice yesterday afternoon and now we’re about to head out into the city and explore Old Town. It’s been a challenge finding vegan food in France, and if you plan on visiting yourself and eat only plant-based, then make sure to plan out your meals / which restaurants you’ll go to ahead of time. There are lots of vegan restaurants but you need to know where they are first and if they are open etc. You can’t just walk down the street and go in any restaurant and expect a vegan or even vegetarian meal… it’s not common here at all. We had quite a bit of trouble finding something to eat last night, but ended up with a big pizza each and a plate of french fries… we’re in dyer need of a cold-pressed juice so that’s the mission this morning! Now, all that being said, we had 2 amazing vegan meals in Paris and will be posting about those shortly. I would say perhaps two of the best vegan meals I’ve had in my life! So it’s definitely possible to find!

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! Sorry for the delayed blog post, but as I said, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind. Stay happy and healthy and chat soon! 🙂

Molly xx


“Where there is love, there is life.”

– Gandhi

Current Workout Routine

Good morning!

It’s a beautiful day in VanCity today – the sun is shining and the birds are chirping! It’s a good day to be alive. Take a moment and be grateful.

I thought it would be beneficial for some of you if I outline my current workout routine. Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions on Instagram and Snapchat regarding this so will go into detail here for you. 🙂

Currently I am working out 6 days a week with one rest day (which varies – I don’t have a set rest day, I just listen to my body and rest when it needs to). So, at the moment I do yoga every other morning for an hour and 15 minutes. I rotate between focusing on heart centre (lots of back-bending/heart openers), throat (poses that focus on stretching the throat), and roots/sacral (focusing on base of spine, so lots of hip openers). I do mostly vinyasa yoga, but also power yoga as well to strengthen my core.

Yoga by the lake

The days that I don’t do yoga I usually do some form of cardio. Lately, I’ve been loving the elliptical as it really gets a good sweat going and gets your heart pumping – great way to start the day. And, perfect time to listen to an audiobook (currently listening to another Wayne Dyer audiobook – my hero). So, I’ll usually do 30 minutes of high intensity cardio, followed by about 15-20 minutes of body weight exercises (and I’ll also practice my yoga conditioning exercises at this time as well i.e. handstand conditioning exercises). For bodyweight exercises, these can vary from squats, to pushups, to ab exercises, to lunges etc. I will usually do a short circuit of some sort – this could be something like: 30 squats, 20 push ups, 40 ab bikes, 1 minute headstand. And repeat 3 or 4 times… Just depending on how tired I am from the cardio sesh.

After I finish, it’s time for meditation. I have a beautiful yoga room in my building which is generally pretty empty – so I will spend 10 – 15 minutes meditating (again focusing on heart, throat, roots). Meditating has catapulted me into finding more of, and being more in tune with, my spiritual/higher self. It’s an ongoing journey of self-discovery that will never end…

Take care of, and respect your body. It’s where your soul lives and nothing is more important (in my honest opinion) than mind-body connection. We are capable of so much more than we think, so strive to become better (through exercise, nutrition, and working on your mind).

Yoga by the lake

I hope this gave you some insight into my weekly workout routine… I find it changes about every 6 months or so – but my #1 focus is always on yoga. Remember, you have to find what works for you, and make sure you enjoy your workout plan… Otherwise it’ll be impossible to stick with it!

Have a beautiful day! Send love to people even when it’s not reciprocated. Be kind to strangers, and be kind to yourself!


Molly xx

Ps. Wearing Tonic Lifestyle Apparel in these photos… The most comfortable yoga gear I’ve ever worn… EVER! Also made out of sustainable materials (hemp, bamboo, etc.). Really amazing Vancouver based company.


“The success of yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.”

– T.K.V. Desikachar

Meet on Main

Meet on Main

There are a lot of really awesome restaurants on Main Street but my favourite is Meet on Main! I love the chilled out atmosphere, the menu is full of veggie comfort food, and the staff is super friendly… what more could you want?

Irek and I spent a few hours there yesterday – he worked on his watch list for the Live Trader session, and I had a business meeting with an awesome company based in the Vancouver area. After we finished our work we stayed another hour to grab a bite to eat!

My dish was super yummy! Usually when we go to Meet on Main we both gravitate towards the vegan burgers because they’re sooo good! But I thought I better switch it up last night and instead had a really delicious bowl filled with rice, kale, mushrooms, mung beans, tofu and the best cashew gravy ever! It hit the spot. 🙂 Irek had his usual burger, obviously.

Meet on Main

If you’re in Vancouver, definitely check out Meet on Main! Especially if you’re leaning towards going more plant-based – this place will show you that anything truly can be converted to vegan! Absolutely nothing requires animal products, there is always a substitute.

Have a lovely Thursday everyone! All the best.

Molly xx


“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”

– Albert Einstein