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Banana Berry Smoothie

Banana Berry Smoothie Recipe

This is my standby recipe for my banana berry smoothie. I always have these ingredients on hand, so if I’m feeling like a smoothie for breakfast instead of oatmeal, I’ll just quickly whip this together.

If this is the only thing you’re having for breakfast and won’t eat again for an extended period of time then this recipe should be considered one portion. Otherwise, you can share this smoothie between two, and have something else to eat as well. Hope you enjoy! 🙂

Molly xx


Yields: 2 Servings


4 bananas

2 cups mixed berries

1/4 cup oats

1 tbsp shredded coconut

1 tsp chia seeds

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 cup almond milk

2 cups coconut water


  1. Blend together all of the above ingredients until smooth.
  2. Divide into two jars and enjoy!


“I can’t think of anything better in the world to be but a vegan.”

– Alicia Silverstone

Culver City Food Truck

Culver City Food Truck

Irek and I decided we need to start checking out all the Vancouver food trucks. There are so many around the city and yesterday was our very first time trying one!

We had some seriously epic salads from the Culver City food truck. Mine was full of rice noodles, kale, radishes, shredded beet, shredded carrot, hummus, etc. and topped with a super delicious lemon chia dressing. I highly recommend trying some of their deliciousness if you’re in the downtown core!

The Culver City truck is usually parked on the corner of Thurlow and Hornby in Coal Harbour (check The Street Food App to confirm location). So, if you work downtown and are leaning towards a more plant-based diet, this is a great option for your lunches. I used to work 2 minutes away from where they’re located, and if I knew about them back then, I would have been eating there everyday!

Super healthy, vegan, and very tasty… what more do you need?!

Culver City Food Truck

Have a beautiful weekend.

Molly xx


“By eating meat we share the responsibility of climate change, the destruction of our forests, and the poisoning of our air and water. The simple act of becoming a vegetarian will make a difference in the health of our planet.”

– Thích Nhất Hạnh

Nuba Restaurant

Irek and I had lunch in Kitsilano yesterday at a Lebanese restaurant called Nuba. I loved it as soon as we walked in… The ceilings were super high, the paint was chipped, and the floor tiles looked like they had been there for decades. It was rustic and felt like we truly were in a small restaurant in the Middle East.

Nuba’s menu is not fully vegan, but there were quite a few good options for us to choose from. I absolutely love falafel… Well, more precisely, I love chickpeas. Roasted chickpeas, hummus, chickpea wraps, chickpeas on salad, in salad, on the side…. you name it. I’ll eat it. So you can imagine how happy I was when I received my plate of food, consisting of chickpeas 3 different ways! YES!

Nuba Restaurant Kitsilano

If you’re in Kitsilano and craving some healthy Lebanese food (good price + large quantity of food), this is most definitely the place for you!

Have a fabulous weekend. 🙂


Molly xx


“I love living. I think that’s infectious. It is something you cannot fake.”

– Will Smith

Yoga Backbend

Have Faith in Yourself

It’s so easy to second guess ourselves, or think we aren’t good enough to accomplish something. But these thoughts do not serve us, they deter us from striving to reach our goals, they hold us back from becoming something better.

I’m currently working on a couple of projects that have really tested me, and have shown me how important it is to have faith in ourselves. It took me 26 years to believe that I was actually capable of achieving great things. We truly are meant to have an amazing life but that will never happen unless we become vulnerable, and allow ourselves to truly be who we are at our core.

I always wanted to have a blog where I could share parts of my life, my journey, my travels etc. and inspire others. But it took me a year to actually launch it… An entire year of questioning and doubting myself. I realize now that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you. YOU have to love yourself and believe in yourself, and when you do, amazing things start to happen.

Last week was a big week for Irek and I. We’ve been reflecting a lot, and feeling super grateful for all of the things that have happened the past few years that have brought us to where we are today. Sometimes things look easy on the outside, but we’ve gone through our ups and downs, and I personally have dealt with a lot of self-doubt. But through yoga, meditation, and self-education, I’ve grown and moved past that. I know that a failure is only a failure if you let it be. Mistakes and hardships are meant to teach us to be better and help us to grow.

Life is always a learning process, there is always room to improve, and always ways to become better. I feel that yoga is such a strong teacher in the sense that one day your practice can be amazing, and your body super open. And other days it’s the complete opposite. But you practice anyway. You push through it because you know there will be brighter days.

I hope everyone finds time to work on themselves. Whether it be through reading more books, exercising more, meditating etc. Don’t get so caught up in daily life that you forget to breathe, to reflect on life, and yourself.

Just know that you’re capable! Have faith in yourself and love yourself no matter what. We’re all different and unique and that’s what makes us special, but we are also all connected to something greater.

Yoga on Sea to Sky hwy

Sending lots of love to everyone on this beautiful Monday morning.


Molly xx


“There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self.”

– Hindu Proverb

Alice Lake

Alice Lake

Irek and I did a bit of exploring around the Squamish area this weekend. On our way to Whistler we always pass by this sign that says “Alice Lake” and are always intrigued. This time we decided to stop by and have a look!

Alice Lake BC

Turns out it’s a beautifully secluded little area with tons of places to picnic and a lovely beach area. We noticed right away how quiet it was and the area just felt very calming. We looked on the map to see if there were any hikes to do to find some nice view points. We ended up just doing a short 2 hour hike through the forest, which was super easy, and there wasn’t too much of a view. However, if you have little ones, or are not into super tough hikes then this one would be a good option.

We’ll definitely be going back and bringing a SUP. The lake was perfect for supping, especially if you’re a newbie, as it was very calm and quiet. There were at least 4 or 5 people supping when we were there.

Alice Lake BC

Like all the places we go in BC, this one was super beautiful and full of life – birds, toads, insects all around us. This area is also a large wildlife territory, so you have to be on the watch at all times for cougars, bob cats, bears, and wolves! We didn’t see any but we definitely heard some sounds on the hike! Always be aware and make lots of noise so you don’t sneak up on anyone!

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful mom and step-mom, and all the other amazing women who support us and love us.


Molly xx


“I can’t imagine anything more important than air, water, soil, energy and biodiversity. These are the things that keep us alive.”

– David Suzuki

What I Eat in a Day

For breakfast I made some really delicious oat flour pancakes topped with berries and bananas. They’re super easy to make and very healthy. Normally we eat oatmeal for breakfast (90% of the time) but sometimes it’s nice to switch it up for pancakes, or a smoothie to keep things interesting.

Avocado Toast

Lunch in our house usually consists of avo toast and a bowl of soup. Here we have exactly that; avo toast w/ beet hummus and broccoli soup. So yummy!

Aloo Ghobi

Irek and I are still on our Indian food kick (we’ve been obsessed for the last 2 years and make some sort of Indian dish twice a week consistently). Aloo Ghobi is the current fave right now, starring… potatoes, cauliflower and of course, mushrooms. Mmmmmm.

In addition to these 3 meals I also had 3 litres of water w/ lemon, a coffee, a cold-pressed green juice, and a few slices of watermelon.

Hope you guys found what I eat in a day interesting! I love being vegan, and eating fully plant-based. There are so many amazing options, and the best part is, we are contributing to a more sustainable, cruelty-free world.

Bon appetit!

Molly xx


“Veganism is not about giving anything up or losing anything; it is about gaining the peace within yourself that comes from embracing non-violence and refusing to participate in the exploitation of the vulnerable.”

– Gary L. Francione 

Deception Pass Park Washington

Deception Pass

There is the most amazing park about 2 hours south of Vancouver in Washington, called Deception Pass State Park. Irek and I haven’t done too much exploring in Washington since we moved to BC almost 3 years ago, but there is so much to discover all around the Pacific North West. This park in Washington was surrounded by some of the greenest water I’ve ever seen. It was breathtaking and really took me by surprise.

Deception Pass State Park Washington

Once we went down below the bridge, the only sounds you could hear were birds chirping and bees buzzing! And, overhead, eagles were soaring and pelicans were hunting for fish. It was absolutely incredible, I fell in love with it.

We didn’t realize how huge the state park was, until we arrived and had a look at the map. We could have spent much longer than just the few hours we were there exploring. It’s definitely on my high priority list to head back there, and potentially camp for a few days in the summer.

Hope you enjoy the pictures & have a lovely weekend!


Molly xx


“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it’s beauty.”

– Albert Einstein

Abbotsford Tulip Festival

I’ve lived in British Columbia for almost three years now and have never made it to the Abbotsford Tulip Festival. I saw some amazing photos on Instagram over the last couple of weeks and had to make my way over there!

It’s actually coming to the end of the tulip season, so we made it just in time. The colours were unreal, it was truly a spectacular sight. I dream in colour and so for me, this place was super inspiring & magical.

I read that on the weekends there is a lineup so long to get in that it causes huge traffic jams! So luckily we went on a weekday. The tulip festival is open only until this Sunday, May 1st. So, if you live in the area make sure to check it out ASAP. It’s only about an hour drive from Vancouver.

Abbotsford Tulip Festival

Hope everyone is finding time to explore nature and appreciate all the beauty that surrounds us! 🙂


Molly xx


“Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love.”

– Rumi

Love is a Practice

Love is a daily practice, a journey… It’s not without darkness, but we must be thankful for the darkness, for without it we could not define the light.

Don’t let your troubles, your pains, become an excuse to hurt others, whether passively or actively. Use your vulnerability instead as a way to go deeper into the choice of love. Do your best to radiate on a high frequency of love and kindness no matter what the situation. There are always things to be grateful for, and always lessons to be learned.

Send love to everyone you know, to everyone you meet, to all living beings. This love will be drawn back to you.

Love is a practice

We always have a choice. I choose love.


Molly xo


“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.”

– Osho

Cascade Falls

Exploring in British Columbia is endless! We found such a beautiful spot about an hour and 15 minute drive East from our house, in Mission. It’s a stunning waterfall, called Cascade Falls, with a small suspension bridge. The waterfall is tucked right into the woods and it’s just a short 2 minute walk to the viewpoint. It’s perfect for people who want to experience a beautiful site, but don’t want to hike hours to get there!

Cascade Falls BC

It’s honestly probably one of my favourite spots in BC, even though everywhere we go is breathtaking! But this felt very intimate and secluded, and no one was there when Irek and I arrived. So it was a lovely experience. I’m sure it’s quite busy on weekends though.

I was able to take some time to meditate when we arrived while Irek took some photos.  It was a very serene moment. Hope you enjoy the pictures & if you’re in the BC area make sure to check it out!


Molly xx


“It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves – in finding themselves.”

– Andre Gide