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OSEA Skincare Giveaway!

A few months ago, OSEA Malibu reached out to me to try their products, and if I liked them, simply spread the word. I have always had very sensitive skin, so I stay away from anything with harsh chemicals, scents etc. Because of this, I am very skeptical of trying new skincare products, and how my skin will react to them. That being said, I did a bunch of research on OSEA and couldn’t find one single bad review. So I was intrigued…

OSEA’s products are vegan, organic, cruelty-free and 100% natural… Those 4 things pretty much sum up my criteria when looking for ANY health and beauty products.

So suffice to say, I tried the products, and they’re amazing. I spoke to the company recently and they’ve offered to give a gift card to one of my followers so they can experience the products as well! The giveaway details can be found on my Instagram account: @mollycatherinep.

Osea Malibu Vegan Skincare

I promise you, after trying these products there is a high likelihood that you may have a new skincare line. 😉

Wish you all the best & make sure to enter the giveaway via my Instagram!

Chat soon,
Molly xx


“Be good to your skin. You’ll wear it everyday for the rest of your life. ”

– Renee Rouleau

Beach Workout

Yesterday Irek and I went to brunch at my favourite restaurant, Heirloom Vegetarian. I just cannot get enough of that place!  After we ate and Irek did some work, we headed to Jericho Beach in Kitsilano, and did a quick 30 minute HIIT workout (sprints, lunges, squats & tricep dips).  So nice to be able to exercise outside!

Beach Workout

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend and sending lots of love for the week ahead! 🙂


Molly xx


“Let us try to recognize the precious nature of each day.”

– Dalai Lama XIV

Oatmeal Recipe

For the last 5 years I’ve had the same breakfast almost everyday. Oatmeal is super healthy, filling, and delicious. It keeps me nice and full until lunch time and is packed with nutritious ingredients. It also has a ton of fiber, so it’s great for keeping your digestive system on track. Feel free to substitute whatever fruits, nuts, seeds you have on hand. I also opt out of using any syrups/sweeteners as it’s already sweet enough with the fruit. Hope you enjoy!


Molly xx


Prep time: 5 minutes | Cook time: 20 minutes | Total time: 25 minutes

Serves: 2


1/2 cup steel cut oats

1 tbsp ground flax seeds

1 tbsp wheat germ

1 tbsp cinnamon

1 apple, chopped

2 cups water (or almond milk)

handful blueberries


2 bananas sliced

pumpkin / sunflower seeds

hemp hearts / chia seeds


goji berries

agave or maple syrup (optional)


  1. Bring 2 cups water to a boil.
  2. Add oats, flax seeds, wheat germ, cinnamon, and apple to pot and reduce to simmer for 20 minutes (stirring halfway through). During the last 5 minutes add blueberries.
  3. Divide into 2 bowls and add toppings. Serve & enjoy!


“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

– Jim Rohn

Vegan Sushi

Yesterday I was craving some vegan sushi and since Vancouver has a bunch of Japanese restaurants there’s tons of options!

I started the day with an appointment downtown and then Irek and I just walked along the sea wall admiring the beauty of Vancouver, and did some people watching! There are so many tourists here in the spring and summer, so lots going on!

I find that most of the good vegan/vegetarian spots in Vancouver are in Kitsilano.  We made our way there for a late lunch and found this cute little sushi place called Shizen Ya. They use all organic ingredients and are actually the first all natural Japanese restaurant chain in North America! We’ll definitely be going back, the vegan sushi was delicious!

Vegan Sushi

Chat soon! 🙂

Molly xx


“I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.”

– Arthur Rubinstein 

The Chief Hike

Irek and I went on the most epic hike yesterday! It’s called The Chief (Stawamus Chief), and is located in Squamish, British Columbia. The hike is super challenging as it’s a steep uphill incline the entire way until you reach the peak. So, if you plan to do it, make sure you’ve done some cardio ahead of time, and are in good physical shape. Irek and I both do high intensity cardio at least three times a week and a challenging hike like this is a great alternative to our regular routine of running/sprinting or elliptical.

The Chief Hike Squamish BC

I’m feeling super grateful today- grateful to live in this beautiful province, and grateful to have the best adventure buddy a girl could ask for!

Enjoy the weekend and go explore, it’s a beautiful world out there!

Molly xx


“I love living. I think that’s infectious. It is something you cannot fake.”

– Will Smith

Change Your Thoughts Audiobook Picture

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

The last year and a half has been one full of self-discovery and self-acceptance. Throughout this time, I listened to many audiobooks to aid me in my spiritual journey, but none affected me quite like the late Wayne Dyer’s “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life”.

Cherry Blossom

This book is a translation of the 81 verses of the Tao Te Ching or The Great Way, written 2500 years ago by a “God-realized being”, Lao-tzu. Now, without getting into religion, I will say that I am a spiritual person but I do not engage in any religious practices. I will quote the Dalai Lama here and say “I have no religion, my religion is kindness”. I guess you could say that’s why this book touched me deeply. It is about living the Tao: spreading kindness, compassion, love and most importantly, letting go of ego.

Cherry Blossom

Wayne Dyer spent a full year reviewing hundreds of translations of the Tao Te Ching and wrote an essay for each one of the 81 verses. The book is meant to provide guidance and advice for how to live a more balanced, moral, spiritual life. For me, the most important takeaway was that we are all equal, all deserving of love, and all have the capacity to live for the greater good. We have to tune into our higher selves and be willing to follow and trust our hearts.

I hope this book touches you in some way. Open-mindedness can help us to live a more fulfilled life, so give it a read, and have no expectations.


Molly xx

Link to 2 free audiobooks:

Link to audiobook:

Link to paperback:


“You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being – not because anybody says so, not because you’re successful, not because you make a lot of money – but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason.”

– Wayne Dyer

Vegan Borscht

I met my boyfriend 6 years ago and was quickly introduced to his mom’s delicious borscht. It’s time to share this recipe, with my vegan take!

A couple things to take note of: it’s always better the second day after the flavours have melded together, taste as much as you can during the cooking process and adjust seasonings as needed.

Traditionally this soup is served during the holiday season but we love it so much that I make it every couple of weeks.

Hope you enjoy & let me know in the comments how it turns out! 🙂

Molly xx


Prep time: 15 mins | Cook time: 50 mins  | Total time: 65 mins

Serves: 6


  • 4 large beets, roasted and diced
  • 4 medium sized potatoes, diced
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 5-6 cloves garlic, minced
  • Water (enough to fill large pot, leaving 2 inches)
  • 2 cubes veggie broth
  • 1/4 cup red wine
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp Himalayan sea salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • fresh or dried herbs (basil, cilantro, thyme etc)
  • 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • Juice of 1 lemon


  1. Roast beets (with skin on) for 40 minutes on 400. Once done, set aside before peeling & chopping.
  2. While beets rest, sauté onions in olive oil with pinch of salt for about 5 minutes.
  3. Add garlic and sauté for another minute, then add potatoes and cook for another 2 minutes.
  4. Add water, broth cubes and bring to a boil.
  5. As you wait for it to come to a boil (it will take about 10 mins) add the following: herbs & spices, red wine, balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar. Also add 1/2 cup barley.
  6. Once pot comes to a boil, add beets and lemon juice.
  7. Simmer for 30 minutes (or until barley is tender). Serve & enjoy!


“People who love to eat are always the best people.”

– Julia Child

Heirloom Vegetarian

Since it was another stunning day in Vancouver yesterday, Irek and I headed to Kitsilano to soak up the sun. It was so great to see so many people out enjoying the weather, playing volleyball, basketball, walking their dogs etc. Really awesome energy… I love where we live!


After we strolled around for a while we decided to grab dinner at my FAVOURITE restaurant in all of Vancouver. It’s called Heirloom Vegetarian and it’s sooo good! Irek got his usual… a veggie burger with yam fries (so predictable lol), and I had a delicious kale caesar salad. My salad was amazing – it had beet chips, capers, cornbread croutons, cashew parmesan, and the best vegan caesar sauce. Mmmmmmm. You guys must go if you live in Vancouver!!!

Heirloom Vegetarian

Chat soon, 🙂

Molly xx


“I’ve got nothing to do today but smile.”

– Paul Simon

Capilano Suspension Bridge

The beauty of British Columbia never ceases to amaze me! And now that it’s springtime, there are gorgeous flowers blooming everywhere! 🙂

Irek and I have been to The Capilano Suspension Bridge only once before, just this past winter with our friends from Australia. Unfortunately the day we went it poured rain, so we didn’t get the full experience. Therefore, we decided to venture back this week and check it out while the sun was shining. It did not disappoint.

Capilano Suspension Bridge

As you can see by the photos, the bridge is surrounded by lush forest and mountains. It’s so beautiful, and so refreshing to be close to nature.

I hope everyone who is reading this is able to spend some quality time outside this week and be grateful for the beauty that surrounds us.

Cheers and lots of love,

Molly xx


“Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.”

– Terry Tempest Williams

Yoga with a View

It’s so lovely to have nice weather in BC again. Five months of straight up rain is a bit much! We’re expecting full sun and 20 degrees this week, which means lots of outdoor workouts for me. 🙂

I’ve been really into fitness and taking care of myself since I met my boyfriend almost 6 years ago. We workout together quite often and have done everything from crossfit, to body weight exercises, to weight training, to yoga. My focus over the last couple of years has been on my yoga practice, but I still do a ton of body weight exercises as well as cardio.

Yoga at Belcarra Regional Park

I’m really looking forward to sharing some of my workout routines with you guys, and perhaps you’ll get inspired to try them out for yourself!

Have a beautiful day, and keep smiling!

Molly xx


“A healthy body is a platform for flourishing a healthy mind.”

– Pawan Mishra