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Othello Tunnels

Exploring Othello Tunnels in Hope, BC

Good morning loves! <3

It’s been a little bit since my last post, so I really hope you’re all doing well, enjoying the summer, and keeping cool!

You’ve probably heard by now, of the raging fires in British Columbia… I believe there are 123 active fires at the moment. Consequently, the air quality where we live is very poor. We are immersed in a huge smoke cloud, and can no longer see the mountains… That being said, I believe rain is on the horizon! It looks as though it may start to cool down a bit next week, as we’re finally seeing some rain clouds in the forecast! Let us take a moment to really feel the rain, and believe it’s presence is upon us. 

It’s not so nice to be outside in this smoky weather, so Irek and I have been hiding out in our apartment, with our pretty kitty cat, Petrie Dumbledore. However, we did manage to get out a few days ago and explore a beautiful place called Othello Tunnels.

Othello Tunnels

Othello Tunnels

Othello Tunnels

The tunnels are located in Hope, which is about 2 hours east of Vancouver. One of my Instagram friends actually informed me that many of the scenes from the movie Rambo were filmed there! Irek is a huge Sylvester Stallone fan, so we thought that was pretty cool! It’s definitely a place worth checking out- there are some nice swimming holes to cool off in too! 🙂

Othello Tunnels

I hope you enjoy the pictures! Of course I had to throw in some yoga poses… I mean with a backdrop like that, how could I resist?! Hehe 😉

Sending lots of love and light your way. Namaste my friends.


Molly xx

Wearing; top from In The Soulshine and leggings from Flo Activewear


“I should not make any promises right now, but I know if you pray, somewhere in this world -something good will happen.”

– Hafez

The Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary

Good morning!

I’m so excited to share a little bit about our visit to The Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary! Irek and I have been wanting to visit for months now, so last Saturday we headed to Aldergrove to meet all of the beautiful animals at Happy Herd! 🙂

Happy Herd is the first farm animal sanctuary on the West Coast- they officially opened in 2014 and have since touched the lives of so many animals (and humans alike). The sanctuary is the most beautiful, peaceful, loving place I’ve been… I was in heaven!

Farm Animal Sanctuary

We got to meet all of the different animals that call Happy Herd home, including: Baby the Donkey, Larry and Moe- the resident turkeys, Lucy the pig, Sparky the Cow… and many more!

You can tell the animals are showered with love and kindness, as they themselves are gentle, friendly, and peaceful… except the white goat… don’t pet the white goat! hehe 😉 but on a serious note, JillyBean the white goat was an SPCA seizure. It took Stephen and Diane a couple of years to show her that humans can be loving and kind! Jillybean has since come around, and now sleeps outside on her bed, right under Stephen and Diane’s window! How adorable is that?! <3

As most of you know, Irek and I have been vegan for the last couple of years, and it really was the best decision we ever made. More and more people are waking up, and realizing that eating animal products is unnecessary. It’s not good for your health, your heart, or the planet. We can thrive *EASILY* on plant-based diets, and this type of lifestyle can add years to your life! <3

I encourage anyone in the Vancouver area to visit Happy Herd! You’ll realize right away that these animals feel love, and deserve to be free and happy. I know one day we will live in a world where factory farming (and all other cruel practices towards our animal friends) will be a thing of the past, and we can move forward and radiate love and kindness to all creatures!

Thank you so much to Diane and Stephen for having us. Your humble nature, and generosity is beyond inspiring. I will open my own farm animal sanctuary one day, and save as many babies as I can… The more love we give, the more we receive.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the photos of all the beautiful animals from Happy Herd! 🙂


Molly xx


“The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them. That’s the true essence of inhumanity.”

– George Bernard Shaw

Yoga Vernon, BC

Loving, Growing, and Flowing Through Life

Good morning,

I hope everyone is having a beautiful week! <3

At the moment I’m listening to an audiobook book called “The Four Agreements”… This particular book has been on my mom’s book shelf for as long as I can remember. I never felt drawn to it over the years but it’s come into my life now… For a reason, no doubt. 😉

I love that I have a connection to my mom while listening to it. I can picture so clearly the copy that sits in her living room, to this day. 🙂 My mom is such a sweet soul, and the kindest person I’ve ever known. I love listening to it, thinking about how much I love and cherish her.

As soon as I started reading The Four Agreements, I knew immediately that the words were meant for me… Sometimes, things just show up in your life at exactly the right moment. I no longer believe in coincidence, so when something speaks to me, or jumps out at me, I pay close attention.

There are 4 main lessons in this particular book- and understanding how to apply them into your every day life can be transformative…

  • Be impeccable with your word
  • Don’t take anything personally
  • Don’t make assumptions
  • Always do your best

Sounds easy right? It should be… However, many of us have more conditioning and walls to break down than we even realize. But, I do truly believe with every ounce of my being, that we all have the capacity to change and grow, as long as we approach life with an open mind and open heart. If you’ve read The Four Agreements let me know in the comments below! Would love to hear your thoughts. 🙂

For now, I’ll leave you with some yoga photos from the beautiful Sparking Hill Resort and Spa in Vernon, BC. The hotel has a gorgeous yoga room with the most amazing morning light.

Yoga Vernon, BC

Thanks so much for reading… Sending love and good vibes your way. 😉


Molly xx


“Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny–he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally–you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. ”

– Osho

Vancouver Yoga

Yoga Update + Relief for Sore Muscles

Good morning beautiful people!

I hope everyone had an amazing long weekend. The weather in Vancouver has been glorious lately, full sun and 25+ everyday! I hope it’s beautiful where you are as well! 🙂

First off, I just wanted to share a little bit about where I’m at in my yoga journey… I recently made the decision to start on my path to teaching. I can honestly say, teaching yoga was never on my radar… If you told me 5 years ago that this would be my focus, I wouldn’t have taken you seriously. But yoga has come into my life for a reason… It’s become a form of expression, a way of life, and the path to divine love.

Vancouver Yoga

I will be spending a month in Bali next spring for an intensive 200 hour yoga teacher training course. I’m so excited and am simply allowing my decisions to be lead by my heart… Because of this, I’ve been able to find my own truths, and honour them at the deepest level.

It’s so important to keep your heart open and be ready and willing to embrace situations and opportunities you never would have thought possible. It’s up to you to use your own free will and choose the path that best fits what’s in your heart. Once you do, you’ll experience more beautiful, synchronistic events unfolding in your life… That’s when you’ll know you’re on the right path. 🙂

Yoga Vancouver

Now, I briefly want to share a little bit about a new product I’ve been introduced to… The product is called The Post-Traumatic Response Gel, and was formulated by the company Seaside Medical Technologies in California.

The Response Gel is vegan, cruelty-free and organic– I would never endorse a product that doesn’t meet this criteria, as you already know. 😉 This gel is particularly special because it uses a formulation created by Seaside Medical Technologies called Matrx B, which consists of Arnica Montana, Witch Hazel, and Astaxanthin, allowing for an incredible anti-oxidant boost, and ultimately faster healing time. It can be used for the following:

– To reduce inflammation, redness, swelling and sunburns

– Can reduce scarring and the effects of insect bites

– Can reduce first degree burns + minor UV protection

– Will lower local pain levels from sore muscles after a tough workout

There is nothing worse, in my opinion, than using products full of harsh chemicals (that are actually meant to heal?!). I urge you to always go for the organic, vegan and all-natural options, especially when it comes to what you put in and on your body.

I highly recommend checking out The Post-Traumatic Response Gel… It’s the perfect product to have on hand, especially if you have an active lifestyle like me and are prone to bruising, sunburns, sore muscles etc. I couldn’t believe how fast acting the gel was when I first tried it- it worked wonders for my sore muscles! Irek has me doing intense football drills at the track every night… so I’ve been sore and achy to say the least! Until my muscles adjust, I’ll be using the gel. It has really nice cooling and calming effects and when I use it, my soreness noticeably subsides within a short amount of time.

Have a look at Seaside Medical Technologies’ website for more info:  

And, if you are interested in The Post Traumatic Response Gel, feel free to use code “MOLLY10” for 10% off. 🙂

Thanks for much for reading! I hope everyone has a beautiful week ahead. More to come on my yoga journey and next steps…


Molly xx


“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.

– B.K.S. Iyengar


Birthday Road Trip to The Okanagan Valley

Good morning! <3

It’s been a few weeks since my last post so I’m excited to share some new photos with you guys! Going forward, I’ll be posting something new every week, so stay tuned for more content (including lots of yoga posts)!

Last week was my 28th birthday, and contrary to how most people feel, I do not feel old, and I am not anxious to be reaching the infamous, daunting 30. Instead, I feel vibrant, healthy, and grateful to be able to experience all of the amazing things this universe has to offer. To be honest, I am not a huge fan of birthdays… I’m not really sure why, I just have never have been. Usually on my birthday, Irek and I stay home with our cat and order takeout… But this year we thought it was time to switch things up a bit. 😉

Our first stop on the way to Kelowna (which is a 4.5 hour drive from Vancouver) was Alexandra Provincial Park. Irek saw some photos on Instagram of this huge, beautiful bridge and we just had to check it out. We also flew the drone a little bit to try and get some cool aerial shots!


Once we arrived, We spent time exploring and taking in the beauty of wine country. I love staying in Vernon (which is a bit north of Kelowna), because it’s in such a rural, quiet area – there is practically nothing around. All you can hear for miles are the birds chirping and the grasshoppers…. cooing? 😛  But yet, it’s still close enough to head to Kelowna for wine tasting during the day.



My very favourite winery in The Okanagan also happens to be the most well-known one… It’s called Mission Hill and it is something special. I have a love affair with the restaurant every time we visit… it’s like they know exactly what my palette wants and each time I’m left properly satisfied. They have an entire separate vegetarian menu, which can easily be adapted if you’re plant-based like us. It’s totally worth visiting!

Mission Hill

I also have to mention where we stayed, which is our hotel of choice when in The Okanagan, Sparkling Hill Resort and Spa. It’s lovely because if you stay there you have use of their amazing saunas and steam rooms. We try to go twice each day we’re there because it’s just sooo relaxing and great for your skin. Sparkling Hill is situated on the top of a hill so it has beautiful views of the lake and surrounding mountains… The hotel is also decked out in thousands upon thousands of Swarovski crystals! Who doesn’t love crystals, am I right?! 😉

The hotel is also in a really great location (in my opinion) as it’s only a short drive down to the lake where you can find some beautiful picnic spots. Perhaps we’ll do that next time we visit!



Visiting wine country never gets old, and I’m already thinking about when we can head back next. That being said, our next BC adventure will probably be somewhere on the island – Tofino maybe! If you guys have any suggestions would appreciate if you left a comment below. 🙂

Thanks so much for reading and hope you enjoyed all the photos. <3

Lots of love,

Molly xx


“To me, every hour of the day and night is an unspeakably perfect miracle.”

– Walt Whitman

Magical Moments in Montezuma, Costa Rica

Good morning loves!

I hope everyone is well and having a fabulous weekend so far. 🙂

I am heading to Toronto in a couple of days to visit my beautiful sister, who is almost 6 months pregnant! Very exciting times for us. So, seeing as it will be a busy week coming up, I wanted take take some time and share with you some of my favourite photos from Montezuma, Costa Rica.

Montezuma is a beautiful place. It’s located near the southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula and attracts many foreign backpackers and tourists, looking for an organic, natural experience. The town is surrounded by gorgeous beaches, rivers, and waterfalls. The exploring in Montezuma is endless- we can’t wait to head back once we’re in Costa Rica again.

Costa Rica

In Montezuma, we stayed at a beautiful Airbnb (Casacocobolo), which is situated right at the top of a hill overlooking the entire coastline. It was the perfect location, tucked away in nature, but close enough to jump on our ATVS and grab a nice lunch in town. There is a really cute Organic Cafe right on the main strip, with tons of vegan options, smoothies, juices etc. It was great to have healthy, tasty food just a 5 minute drive away. 🙂

We also had two amazing chefs come to the Airbnb each night. They cooked up some absolutely epic vegan spreads. Definitely a huge highlight of the trip!

Costa Rica

Our time in Montezuma was so special- and a big part of that was because we got to experience it with two of our very favourite people in the entire world, Amy and Carlo! They are the best travel buddies- and we’re actually heading to Bahamas with them in a couple months, so that should be pretty awesome! Can’t wait to swim with the piggies, hehe. 😉

Lastly, before I wrap this post up, I wanted to share a few of my favourite things about Costa Rica. There are so many things I loved, but here are the main points:

  • It’s a peaceful country (they’ve never experienced war, and crime is not common)
  • There is an abundance of nature and wildlife, unlike anywhere else I’ve been
  • The people are so kind and welcoming
  • Delicious, healthy, organic food options everywhere
  • The overall beauty of the country (amazing beaches, vast sweeping landscapes, jungle and rainforests all around)
  • Pura Vida… they believe in the “pure life” <3

Costa Rica

Costa Rica truly has become one of my favourite countries in the world. Irek and I will definitely be moving there at some point in the near future. 😉

Have a lovely rest of your Saturday! Sending love and light.


Molly xx


“I have always considered myself a person with a gypsy heart, and I surrender my dreams to my soul, for it’s a free sprit who believes in no boundaries of region and religion.”
– Megha Khare 
Costa Rica Beach

Abundance; It’s All Perspective

Good morning! 🙂

I just wanted to share a little bit about my thoughts on abundance…

I recently finished reading “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle and something he said about abundance really resonated with me. He said that anytime you’re feeling like you’re living from a place of scarcity, go outside and immerse yourself in nature. Observe abundance all around you… Observe the abundance of greenery, the vast blue sky overhead, the sand between your toes, the trees, the sun, insects, whatever it is. Nature is abundant- it is lacking nothing, and neither are you.

Costa Rica

This simple practice is something I’ve implemented everyday of my life since reading that chapter of “A New Earth”. And let me tell you, it works, it really does. Anytime I’m feeling down or a bit off, I simply take a walk, and I observe everything… Every bird flying overhead, every leaf swaying in the wind, every child laughing with innocence and grace. It’s all perspective.

Our whole world is shaped by what we choose to believe is true. So, choose to believe that abundance is all around you (and within you!). I guarantee once you shift your thinking, your outer world will also shift. 

Always remember to be patient, loving, and kind. We all deserve abundance, so long as it’s not at the expense of others.

Have a beautiful day, sending love and light. 🙂

Molly xx


“The source of all abundance is not outside of you. It’s a part of who you are.”

– Eckhart Tolle


Costa Rica Sunrise

It’s Time to Wake Up

So many things have been hidden from us over the years… We’ve been conditioned to work and live systematically, and not in alignment with our true selves.

It’s time to wake up. 

Irek and I are on an intense and beautiful spiritual journey, and we want you to have the opportunity to expand your consciousness, and wake up to the truth. Because, the truth is out there, it’s available to us. It wasn’t always, but it is now, we just have to be willing to open our eyes to a new way of thinking and living.

Without getting too deep, I will say this… I believe in a universe that is much more amazing, and a million times more mysterious than we could have ever imagined.

You may have heard me talk about Gaia before, but if not, this is essentially what it is… It’s an uncensored library inclusive of hundreds of documentaries, series, and clips about topics such as: human origins, energy, quantum physics, yoga and meditation, spirituality, extra-terrestrials and much more.

Gaia has had a profound impact on my life, and so I felt compelled to share. I recommend watching a bunch of the documentaries first, to get your feet wet. And then dig into the three following series…

  1. Missing Links with Gregg Braden
  2. Human Origins with Michael Tellinger
  3. Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock

I would really love to hear your feedback after being exposed to Gaia. Let’s connect and raise our consciousness together. It’s time to wake up. 

Sending love and light! xx



* This post is not in collaboration with Gaia, and is not an ad. 


There are no random acts. We are all connected. You can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.

– Mitch Albom

Four Seasons Costa Rica

Discovering Costa Rica With Four Seasons

Looking back on my time in Costa Rica, I have to say, it was one of the most amazing travel experiences I’ve had. The country is more nature than anything else. It’s raw, organic, and beautiful beyond words.

The week we visited was one of the last weeks of the dry season and we actually experienced one of the first heavy rains since December 16th! We were told one of the best times to visit the country (although it’s beautiful all year round) is in December, nearing the end of the wet season. Everything is lush, green and plentiful… We’ll definitely be heading back later this year or early 2018. 🙂

During our first week in Costa Rica, we stayed at the lovely Four Seasons Resort at Peninsula Papagayo, which is located on the north Pacific coast, in the northwest province of Guanacaste. The hotel has 2 beautiful beaches on either side, one facing the sunrise, and one the sunset. In the mornings, from your room, you can hear the Howler monkeys making their morning calls to protect their young. There really is nothing like waking up to the sounds of nature; I felt so close to and so connected with Mother EarthFour Seasons is such a beautiful place.

Four Seasons Costa Rica

Whenever Irek and I travel, we always wake up for sunrise, no matter what. I love to get the most out of each day, and experience as much as we can.

One morning we did a 2 hour hike around the Four Seasons grounds. It was amazing… and super, super hot! We were all dripping within the first 10 minutes. But it was worth it! We encountered a whole family of Howler monkeys, and spent a good amount of time watching them, in awe of their beauty. After the hike, I did some yoga on the beach and had some beautiful meditation sessions…

Its so easy to feel connected and at peace in Costa Rica. The energy is like nothing else!

Four Seasons Costa Rica

Four Seasons Costa Rica

Four Seasons is the perfect place to visit if you’re up for an adventure! The hotel offers paddle boarding, jet skiing, snorkelling, surfing etc. I finally got to paddle board for the first time in a couple years, and it was awesome! Mind you, it was bit rough on the water that day, so it turned into quite an intense workout… but I loved every second!

Now, that being said, Four Seasons is equally great for simply relaxing by the pool, listening to the birds chirping, and soaking up the hot, Costa Rican sun! And wow, is it hot in Costa Rica! I wasn’t expecting it to be so humid; make sure you pack light if you visit, as you won’t be wearing too many clothes while you’re there! Flip flops and bikinis for days… 😉

Four Seasons Costa Rica

We had some incredible meals at Four Seasons (and some fabulous cocktails as well – specifically the white sangria with passionfruit… so delicious)! Irek, Amy, Carlo and I all felt the vegan food was amazing and enjoyed every single dish we had.

I really have a thing for breakfast buffets, and the one at Four Seasons was fantastic. There was so much variety, something for everyone regardless of your dietary restrictions. Having healthy, substantial meals when you’re traveling is so important, and for us, that can really make or break an experience. Four Seasons did not disappoint, huge thanks to the chefs for taking such great care of us! 🙂

Four Seasons Costa Rica

I can’t say enough about Costa Rica and our stay at Four Seasons. We had the best time, and the best travel buddies (Amy and Carlo)! This will definitely go down as one of my favourite trips of all time… I would go back to Costa Rica in a heartbeat (and I suggest you do to)!

A huge thank you to Four Seasons for hosting us; especially for the amazing service, and the unforgettable memories. Being such a huge nature-lover, I was really in my element and am so grateful for the experience.

Until next time…

Four Seasons Costa Rica

Thanks for reading, have a beautiful day. Lots of love. 🙂

Molly xx


Let the beauty we love be what we do.

– Rumi

Jungle Vibes and Waterfalls in Beautiful Costa Rica


I hope everyone is having beautiful week. We are finally seeing some sun in Vancouver, and temperatures are slightly on the rise. So I’m happy knowing that beach days are just around the corner. 🙂

I’ve been really excited to share some photos from one of my favourite days in Costa Rica. Irek, Amy, Carlo and I ventured out from the beautiful Four Seasons Hotel (full review coming soon) to a small rural area called Guanacaste. It was a 2.5 hour drive through fields and fields of lush greenery, rolling hills, and towering trees. The abundance of nature is truly spectacular.

Costa Rica Jungle

We spent close to 8 hours at Sensoria (“The Land of Senses”) and saw so many animals… including a sloth! Sloths are actually super hard to spot too, because they only come down from their trees about once a week. Their metabolism is very slow, enabling them to sleep all day, and keep away from any danger. 🙂

Costa Rica Creatures

We swam in two different natural pools, which felt so nice after hiking through the warm, humid jungle. This was probably the highlight of our day at Sensoria (if not the highlight of our entire trip!). The water was so refreshing; and our skin felt amazing afterwards too, because of all the vitamins and minerals in the water! It was blissful to say the least…

I also have to mention our amazing tour guide, Laurens, as he really made the day. He was so knowledgable about the rainforest and all of the vegetation, animals and insects that live together in harmony. It’s a beautiful thing. I really loved and appreciated his passion for nature, and his respect for Mother Earth. The people of Costa Rica truly do care for the planet and I couldn’t have felt more at home or more at peace than I did that day.

Costa Rica Waterfall

If you make it to Costa Rica, and are close enough to visit Sensoria, I highly recommend. It’s an experience you’ll never forget, and really gives you a feel for the natural beauty and wildness that makes Costa Rica so special.

Thanks so much for reading! Sending lots of love and good vibes your way. 🙂

Molly xx


The natural world around us shows the way to relief. All of life is maintained by the sun, by the air, by water, by the Earth and its resources. And to whom was the sun given? To everyone.

– Eberhard Arnold